Digestion for Fat Loss Series: Bile Salts

In our previous article we remarked on the difference between digestion and metabolism and how those two processes relate to each other. Also, we discussed how to increase gastric acid to improve digestion and therefore increase metabolic efficiency. In this section we are exploring the importance of bile and its role in digestion, metabolism and how it can help you achieve your fat loss goals. Remember, to maximize your fat loss a combination of exercise and nutritional counseling is needed.

Before going over the meaty section of this article where you learn how to apply the principles discussed, it is important to understand the anatomy and the physiological overview of the gallbladder. The gallbladder is located underneath the liver and above the pancreas. Both the pancreas and the liver are two very important organs for fat metabolism. The liver is where most of the fat gets synthesized and broken down. The pancreas is the organ responsible for secreting insulin and glucagon, among other functions, those two hormones tell the liver to make more fat or burn more fat. The gallbladder is connected to the pancreas and the liver via the common bile duct. The pancreas is connected to the small intestine via the pancreatic duct and therefore acts like a mediator of both organs.

How does bile affect your digestion?

Bile breaks down fat in the small intestine and breaks down globules of fat into droplets, other juices that come from liver and pancreas contain lipase. Lipase will continue breaking fat into free fatty acids (FFA) which can be transported through the blood to be used as energy.

Also, bile has been shown to trigger the conversion of white fat cells (stubborn fat) into brown fat cells (Fat that you lose easily). In my opinion, this is the greatest benefit bile can bring. White fat cells are not easily accessible and therefore our bodies cannot break down the fat. But brown fat is easier to break down into FFA. In addition to those two great benefits, bile causes a domino effect in our metabolism that uses a lot of energy. This reduction in energy promotes lipolysis (breakdown of triglycerides into FFA) and it promotes B-oxidation (Fat burning)

Here is a short metabolic overview.


When you eat fatty foods the liver starts making bile. When this happens, the Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) gets turned on. The FXR is responsible for regulating how much bile gets produced and affects glucose and fat metabolism. Now that FXR is on, the liver will reduce its glucose output (gluconeogenesis). Gluconeogenesis is the pathway in which your body breaks down protein to create pyruvate by adding phosphate groups to it.


After bile runs down the common duct, it triggers the release of insulin from the pancreas. If insulin gets secreted this way, it makes you more insulin sensitive (less diabetic) [if insulin gets released due to high glucose in the blood you become more diabetic].


As bile acid continues its way down the organs, it reaches the small intestine. In the small intestine a receptor called TRG-5 senses the bile and releases Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1). GLP-1 tells the liver to stop forming glucose in the liver by blocking the glucagon receptors (turning off gluconeogenesis which breaks down your muscles).

Skeletal Muscles

GLP-1, and FXR signal the transport of glucose in the blood to be transported into the muscle where it gets converted to glycogen. Glycogen makes your muscles bigger, it is referred to as the food for your muscles. Good glycogen stores have shown to increase muscle mass and increase your basal metabolic rate (the energy you burn at rest).

Meanwhile all these processes are occurring; you are burning calories, not from muscle but from carbs and fat.

This is the easiest way to promote good bile functioning and secretion.

Foods To Eat

  1. Beet tops

  2. Ginger

  3. Limon

  4. Artichokes

  5. One tablespoon virgin olive oil


  1. Too much calcium

  2. Too much fatty beef

Adding the foods mentioned will improve your gallbladder function and will aid you in your fat loss journey. A combination of good nutritional counseling and exercise has shown to promote sustainable fat loss/fitness progress. It is extremely important to consult with our Desert Barbell health and fitness professionals if you have any questions or if you would like to make life changing progress. Please send us an email or give us a call, we are always willing to help.


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